Here are some commented screenshots from my trip from Prague to Ostrava.
Click on picture for full resolution.
On this picture is 2D cockpit of PIC. I created N209FM from N109GE. On central panel is EHSI Honeywell/King EFS50 and its controlling unit. All other components are the same as in default N109GE. EHSI unit is now in ARC mode when displaying data from FMS. This unit can also display data from NAV subsystem (VOR,NDB). Mode of display is selected on EHSI controlling unit below. |
Here is Honeywell GNSXLS FMS in popup window. This FMS is displayed when you click on GPS button or when shift-9 is pressed. Unit is powered when master avionics switch is on. Here is displayed default page - FPL with list of saved flight plans in unit. Flight plans are saved to FS9/ISG/FlightPlans directory as normal text files with extension RTN. I'm not sure but if I remember then this files can be created/loaded by FSBUILD2. |
To enter your route you must use NXT button and go to last page of list of flightplans and then enter new flight plan. Firstly you enter departure airport (here LKPR), then all waypoints and last target airport (here LKMT). After every waypoint information page with type and position waypoint is displayed and you must select correct with PRV/NXT buttons if duplicity exists. And then confirm with ENTER. You can enter airway too. Select entered waypoint where you join the airway, then enter airway number beginning with "#" (for example #W32) and press ENTER. Then select waypoint where you leave airway. And ENTER again. If you need delete waypoint then select it and press BACK and confirm ENTER. Here is used route: LKPR SID VOZ BODAL NOVUM TBV STAR LKMT SID is standard departure route (DP is USA) and not known in this moment, will be assigned by ATC later. STAR is standard arrival route and not known in this moment, will be assigned by ATC later. ISG uses own navigational data (together with FSBUILD). You can download last AIRAC on his site free. Data are actual, now is there AIRAC 0709. Warning - when you enter WPT to last item on page cursor is moved to first item on the same page and if you continue then overwrite entered data. Workaround does exist: press NXT and continue. |
If all waypoints are entered we must activate flightplan with SELECT button. On picture is the same flightplan but in ACTIVE state. Blue dots right from waypoint are ETE - will be computed when we fly. |
Active route can be saved for future use. If you click on route in FPL list (see picture #2) then route will be load. |
When ATC assignes SID we press DEPART button, select runway and/or SID name and confirm. Waypoints are inserted to our flight plan. SIDs and STARs are part of navigational database. Navigation database is in text files - if occured some problem then you can simply change data. |
To navigate with FMS we must have AP switched to GPS and HDG mode and press LNAV on EHSI CONTROL unit. When LNAV is active then FROM and TO waypoint are displayed using colors. See also EHSI - now is in ARC mode with FMS mode selected. You can see begin of route. |
On fly. |
FMS NAVIGATION PAGE - 1/4 FR - previous waypoint TO - current target waypoint DIS - distance to target waypoint ETE - estimated time enroute to target waypoint DTK - direct track from previous waypoint to target waypoint GS - ground speed WIND - direction and speed of wind |
FMS NAVIGATION PAGE - 2/4 FR - previous waypoint TO - current target waypoint WIND - direction and speed of wind ETA-XXXX - estimated time enroute to destination FUEL-XXXX - fuel needed to destination TKE - track error in degrees XTK - cross track error in degrees |
FMS NAVIGATION PAGE - 3/4 FR - previous waypoint TO - current target waypoint WIND - direction and speed of wind DRIFT - drift angle VAR - current magnetic variation TAS - true airspeed HDG - current heading BRG - current bearing to target waypoint TK - track from previous waypoint to target waypoint |
FMS NAVIGATION PAGE - 4/4. Current aircraft position, latitude and longitude. |
FMS VNAV PAGE 1/3. VNAV node is only for informational purpose. It means you need to set altitude and climb/descent rate manually by "classical" way. In ISG's manual is some about activating VNAV with special VNAV gauge - I did not test it. And not know if real with B200. |
FMS VNAV PAGE 2/3. See computed Top of climb (TOC) to cruise level. |
FMS VNAV PAGE 3/3. See computed Top of descent (TOD) from cruise level. |
FMS VNAV PAGE DATA. You can set cruise level and transition level. |
FMS FLP ACTIVE PAGE. Current flight plan. |
FMS PLAN PAGE 1/6. REMAINING - total fuel remaining RESERVE - reserve fuel from flight plan file (FSBUILD?) FLOW - current fuel flow (lbs per hour) HOURS - time of fuel RANGE - distance of fuel NM/LB - distence per lb of fuel burned |
FMS PLAN PAGE 2/6 Trip plan FR - previous waypoint TO - current target waypoint GS - ground speed DIS/DTK - distance and FPL track to target waypoint ETE - estimated time enroute to target waypoint FPL - total destination distance and time remaining ETA @ DEST - estimated time of arrival at destination |
FMS PLAN PAGE 3/6. Fuel plan FR - previous waypoint TO - current target waypoint GS - ground speed FLOW - fuel flow LEG FUEL - total fuel estimated to the burned on current leg FPL FUEL - total fuel estimated to the burned |
FMS PLAN PAGE 4/6 Fuel flow Fuel flow per individual engines and summary. |
FMS PLAN PAGE 5/6 DATE - current date GMT - current time TAKEOFF - takeoff time LAND - landing time FLIGHT TIME - total flight time up to current point |
FMS PLAN PAGE 6/6 Aircraft weight BASIC OP WT - aircraft empty weight PAYLOAD - total payload weight FUEL ON BOARD - total fuel on board FUEL USED - fuel used GROSS WEIGHT - current gross weight in lbs |
DIRECT TO Maybe ATC gives you request to fly other heading (due traffic avoidance fo example). You must disable LNAV mode on EHSI CONTROL, this switch AP to mode when you can command AP and change heading. After ATC requests "resume direct TBV" you again enable LNAV and AP will be controlled by FMS. You press DIRECT button and select requested WAYPOINT. FMS will navigate aircraft directly to this point. On EHSI you can view that aircraft is left from its (yellow) planned route. This is position after requested heading change. |
Top of descent See Top of descent on EHSI. |
STAR When ATC assignes STAR (Standard Arrival Route), we insert it on FPL page with ARRIVE button. We can select runway and/or STAR from list. We also select last point of STAR - here BOHUM. |
Holding - settings Waypoint BOHUM is IAF. We probably will hold here and wait for next instruction and approach. We can select this waypoint, press HOLD, check parameter (see picture). When aircraft pass BOHUM begin hold automatically using requested holding pattern. |
Holding - visual information Here you can view holding pattern on EHSI. |
Copilot panel Here you can view holding pattern on EHSI. |
Approach We must switch off LNAV, change AP mode to NAV, check ILS frequency and course and select APPR mode. What next? Welcome to Ostrava... |